Piano Pieces Analysis: Evaded cadences
Piano Pieces Analysis by WKMT: Evaded Cadences
https://www.piano-composer-teacher-london.co.uk/post/evaded-cadencesOne of the most challenging aspects of studying piano pieces is the analysis of them before. All piano students complain about it, and all piano teachers complain about the lack of effort students show towards the study of the pieces.
We believe that the reason is that performers, in general, […]
Our Director’s Concert in London
Haydn piano concerto in F Hob XVIII:3 was composed by the Maestro in 1771.
A jewel of classical music. An example of a fine and elegant classical piano concerto should be made.
The concertos written by Joseph Haydn for piano are masterpieces of how classical music was thought and perceived for that while. Refined pieces created to […]
Negative movements: Preparation and prevision in Piano performance
Scaramuzza technique: Negative Movements
Piano students are taught from the beginning how to “produce” a rounded and beautiful sound on the piano, but its preparation is often left unclear or ambiguous by Piano Tutors. This article will try to shed some light on the matter.
What entails the negative movement? Essentially, this is the movement that we […]