  • Be healthy, take piano lessons in London

    Health is what keeps us moving. Why neglect it? Nowadays, most people rush from one place to another realising only by the end of the day how stressful the routine has been.  Our mind is a double edged sword which can be very harmful if used incorrectly. That is why we need to learn how […]

  • Piano lessons on their way home

    Nowadays, almost everybody has access to some sort of technological device which can display any video at any time. Thus, it could be said that learning how to play the piano for example, by means of a tutorial video is easier today than what it was some years ago. However nice this may sound, there […]

  • How and where you begin taking Piano lessons

    Have you ever asked yourself why some people succeed when they pick up an activity they like and why some others don’t? The answer is so simple that almost everybody turns a blind eye to it. How you begin an activity, piano in this case, tremendously matters. That is why you should take time to […]