  • Nika Shirocorad in concert for WKMT

    Nika Shirocorad in concert for WKMT.
    Nika Shirocorad in concert for WKMT.

    The new edition of monthly concerts organised by WKMT is almost here!

    This time, we keep performing in our usual venue, St. Cuthbert’s church, Earls Court. Working for hand in hand with Nika Young Talents Foundation, so all the funds will be donated to this generous […]

  • Fingering and Articulation

    Fingering and Articulation.
    Fingering and Articulation.

    In our recently released article, Naro Horn writes about the importance of articulation and fingering. Have you ever thought how this exercise could improve your piano learning? And most importantly, how develops your strength on the piano!

    Read the full article by clicking on the link below and get to know:

     importance of […]

  • Managing performance anxiety

    Managing performance anxiety.
    Managing performance anxiety.

    Mark Dowling, in his latest article, explores the anxiety every musician should have felt at least once in their lifetime. When performing in front of an audience, your body gets into a biological reaction.

    The main point about this is how to manage it properly, and how to “educate” your body in […]

  • Piano tips: Performance Inertia VS Maximum control

    PIANO tips: Performance Inertia VS Maximum control
    Piano tips: Performance Inertia VS Maximum control

    It is very common to see how piano students make use of the old trick of playing a piece always starting from the beginning… WKMT is not an exception
    As teachers, are we tired of it?
    In my case, I am indeed!
    What is the solution?
    Explaining […]

  • Composition and music analysis tips

    Composition and music analysis tips
    Composition and music analysis tips

    In order to analyse pieces properly, we need to make sure we are applying the right lenses. There are several different ways to assess how a piece is built up.

    William Caplin’s “Musical Forms” is a great source of information. On the downside, this is a very extensive […]

  • London piano accompaniment

    London piano accompaniment.
    London piano accompaniment BY WKMT.
    London piano accompaniment.

    Sabrina Curpanen, our lovely Senior piano teacher, published yesterday her last article for WKMT, in which she talks about her experience in London as a piano teacher, piano performances, and her new career as an accompanist. Such as increasing option nowadays in London, which you can work with […]

  • The story behind 440Hz

    The story behind A = 440Hz
    story behind 440Hz

    Gisela Paterno, our Senior Music Teacher, talks about the famous tunning. We all know it and we take as a granted, but who actually was the person behind these numbers? Where were they used originally? What’s the evolution of it?

    All about Gisela talks in her last article of the […]