  • Teaching London Piano Students

    Teaching London Piano Students
    Teaching London Piano Students

    Teaching piano in London can’t be just a matter of delivering standard piano lessons. As piano teachers, we need to be able to tutor the philosophy of learning and making music. I remember my maestro pushing me to sort out things on the spot, to develop an intolerance towards mistakes and […]

  • The art of the piano practice

    the art of the piano practice
    The art of the piano practice.
    Learn some ways to practise piano on your own.
    “Are your performances littered with unexplained mistakes?  ‘It went better in practice’ becoming a regular phrase?  Analyse your preparation and take the opportunity of the new year to resolve to improve the quality of your practice.
    Whatever your age […]

  • How to be prepared for a piano performance

    How to be prepared for a piano performance.
    How to be prepared for a piano performance.
    wkmt help you to be prepared for your next piano performance.

    Have you ever performed in front of an audience? How did you feel before and after doing it? Could you have done it better?

    Mark Dowling, our piano teacher at the studio responds all those […]

  • Compound Themes: What types can we find

    Compound Themes: What types can we find
    Compound Themes: What types can we find

    Click here for the full article

    Understanding how composers construct music phrases helps us when memorizing music. Playing pieces by heart helps us to release our artistry. When performers are not restricted by having to constantly read notes while performing, they can focus on expression in a […]

  • How to practice piano

    how to practice piano.
    How to practice piano.
    Learn some great tips to practice piano at your home.

    We bring, what we considered, such an interesting and helpful article for all those wondering how to well practice the piano. Our Senior piano teacher, Katarina Makevic, in her last article published at WKMT Blog, gives six tips for when practising […]

  • What’s Celtic music?

    what’s Celtic music?
    What’s Celtic music?
    AN INSIGHT OF CELTIC MUSIC. Story and tradition.

    New article on the blog for this new year 2018. Our colleague Dominik Brendan, piano and singing teacher at the studio, wrote his article expressing his interest in Celtic music. Music, in general, went through many different changes and variations. In the case of […]

  • How to write piano accompaniment

    How to write piano accompaniment.
    How to write piano accompaniment.

    MAking a chord progression for piano accompaniments.
    We are glad to share the last article published at WKMT and written by Gisela Paterno, our Senior Piano and composition teacher. For this occasion, she brings an article talking about the accompaniments on the piano and creating a simple chord […]