Musical opportunities

WKMT thrives to give opportunities to those who deserve them.

For that reason we devised two yearly stages for the adjudication of piano scholarships.

The scholarships are intended for students of any age and level. They are entirely based upon the identification of outstanding potential on any specific individual.

Two Scholarships
Piano contests and scholarships
Full Semester - 24 hours pack
It covers the cost of 24 x 60 minute sessions spread through 6 months.

The lessons can be taken at a rate of one a week.

The slots are not flexible and are defined by the WKMT directive team after an arranged appointment with the contest winner or his parents as it might correspond.

This scholarship is not applicable to home tuition sessions

There is one scholarship available per semester

The category could be considered empty if no participant shows the necessary skills to be granted it

25% discount on any specific pack
The winner can deduct 25% of the cost of any of our standard studio packs.

This discount only applies to single payments

This discount can’t be applied to home tuition lessons

There are 2 scholarships available per semester

This scholarship is not applicable to home tuition sessions

The lessons can be taken at a rate of one a week.

The slots are not flexible and are defined by the WKMT directive team after an arranged appointment with the contest winner or his parents as it might correspond.

The category could be considered empty if no participant shows the necessary skills to be granted it

Piano tuition done properly!


The scholarships are granted in contest.

The competition happens in the instances of our semestral London Music Festivals.

Contestants of any age and level are welcomed

We grant three scholarships per semester: 2 discounts and 1 full semester


Every semester a selection of pieces for each piano level band –BEGINNER, GRADE 1-5, GRADE 5-8 and DIPLOMA will be published on our website.

The contestants need to prepare the corresponding programme within the semester

The application form for the contest is available online

The participation cost is £30 and includes the cost of the interview –which is the last instance of the application process.

How to keep your scholarship

The scholarship can be suspended in case the student fails to maintain their performance through the lessons.

The assessments will be performed by a member of the WKMT teachers team

The decision is unanimous and un-contestable

Two recorded assessment dates are planned for every student to check their progress

The pieces to be prepare for those assessments are mutually agreed at the beginning of the granted piano course

Get in touch and start your application process

We are always welcoming new applicants. Please send us a message through our Contact form exposing your case. We will get back to you with the proposed repertoire and an interview date.