
how to teach music theory to beginners

how to teach music theory to beginners.

How to teach music theory to beginners.

Results of our last teachers’ meeting at wkmt about music theory.


Why is music theory important?

Like in every single subject which implies a practical section attached to a theoretical section, in the piano and in music in general, the theoretical part is essentially needed for the good understanding of the whole process. You can alternatively learn how to play the piano with no theory background at all, but as soon as you reach a crucial level, you will need the theory, reading and all those aspects included in our music theory lessons. That’s why, at ABRSM, you can pass practical exams with no theory at all, until the moment that you need to go for Grade 6 when you are obliged to have up to Grade 5 of theory passed.

At WKMT, we make sure our students know the importance of music theory and all its benefits for the learning process of any musical instrument.

In our last meeting, we made a compound of all the bibliography we think needed and helpful for music theory lessons for beginners y ages. Starting from 4-5 to adults. The best books and ideas to teach professionally and efficiently the theoretical aspect of the music.

Read it fully on the link aforementioned and get in touch with some great books depending on the age of the student.

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