
Haydn XVIF3 – Allegro – EXPOSITION

Haydn XVIF3

Haydn XVIF3 is a rather unusual early Haydn Sonata. Its main motive is unexpectedly vertical in its configuration. The whole piece is a very clear example of a rococo composition.  The freedom to operate on the ornamentation is left to the performer.

WKMT and Juan Rezzuto have recently started a series of analysis aimed to explain the way in which the piece is organised. The idea of keeping this Haydn project alive seems monumental and requires a huge effort. It will take at least another 4 years to finish all the publications but at the end, we will have produced the largest collection of analysis on Haydn Sonatas ever produced and available for free.

Interpretatively speaking, this piece involves a big challenge. The difficult part is to follow an appropriate and consistent approach in terms on the ornaments we apply in each case and for each motive component.

The full analysis is set to be delivered in a series of articles programmed to be shared on a regular basis.

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