Piano concerto by Maestro Juan Rezzuto and WKMT String Ensemble
Haydn piano concerto in London
This 2019 started with Piano duos by Alvaro Sisti and Cristina Guerra Juan, Harpsichord baroque music by Avelino Vazquez Groba and Anthony Elward on Violin, and now in March we welcome this event in which a soloist with the mature capabilities and insight of Maestro Juan Rezzuto chooses to perform this […]
Musical expectations and Cultural attributes in Music
What is the relation between culture music? Tradition, idiosyncrasy from where we born. Has all that got anything to do with our musical taste? Not only musical but art, fashion, architecture, design, etc.
It might be the case that you don’t feel very related to your country music, however, are […]
Piano practising with WKMT
Tips for Practising and Sight Reading
Piano Lessons in London is now back with a new post. Guess about what? Yes, we talk about the piano, like what we are inspired by and enjoy the most.
This time, we bring a new post recently published on WKMT Blog, in which Anthony Elward, Senior piano tutor at our […]
Analysing a Spanish Music Composer
Pablo de Sarasate
One of the most rewarding satisfactions for a piano student is to play in different ensembles, this enriches our musical view over the pieces, being able to have the possibility to share music together and put together something and bring it back to life with the unique personality that the performers can give. […]
Community Art: some insights
Community Music
As Piano Tutors, the first thing we do with our piano students when we start a piano piece is to check the composer to ascertain the style, period and therefore, the articulation. In modern music, specifically from the 1960s having its climatic point in the 1980s. This was called “Community art” this is also […]
Moscheles and his success in England.
An insight on Ignaz Moscheles
The name of Ignaz Moscheles is quite common among piano students and piano teachers alike. His Piano Method has been a pillar among Piano Tuition since late 1850, but little we know about the life of this great musician who despite the fact of being born in Bohemia (the Czech Republic […]
Our Singing Teacher and his new piano arrangements
Our Singing Teacher and his new piano arrangements.
Our Singing Teacher and his new piano arrangements.
Rearranging a piece into a Piano Ballad
We would like to thank Dominik for his last article for WKMT Blog. Our piano tutor and singing instructor at WKMT London has recently written an article in which he talks about his singing adventures […] -
When the music was played in the palace chambers
When the music was played in the palace chambers.
When the music was played in the palace chambers.
learn about the origins of the classical music.
Chamber Music
It is believed that this form of music was present in the Medieval era. It is usually formed by a small group of musical instruments that could fit in a palace […] -
Thrilling piano student performances
Thrilling piano student performances.
Thrilling piano student performances.
WKMT Piano Festival 2018While we are organizing our next VIII Edition of WKMT Music Festivals this November, we bring some of the best results gotten in our last edition. In May 2018, we […]
Our Director playing Haydn Piano Concerto
Our Director playing Haydn Piano Concerto.
Our Director playing Haydn Piano Concerto.
join wkmt on 29th September for a fabulous classical concert in London.
Juan Rezzuto plays HaydnOur monthly Classical concerts in London stop now until September, once the Summer and holidays are over. Then we welcome the new term of your piano lessons in London from September with […]