Our June Students’ Recitals
London Piano Festival
The most awaited date of the year has now been released by WKMT. Our IX Edition of the Music Festivals is arranged for June 15th in London.
The time flies, but successfully. It has been five years since we started with our Music Festivals, we are now in the 9th edition, and we will […]
Clementi: An insight into his life and achievements
Muzio Clementi
Among the repertoire pieces or piano etudes in piano tuition, the name of Muzio Clementi certainly crossed our path as students. He was without a doubt, one of the most important figures in the history of the modern Piano. Not only because he was one of the first musicians to compose specifically for modern […]
Harpsichord Concert in London
Classical Concert in London
Our next edition of WKMT Concerts is happening on April 27th.
This time, a special programme has been organised to delight us all. Especially to all those fans of the Baroque period of music. After the success we experienced in our last harpsichord concerto in January, we come back with a new […]
Composition Series
Tonal Families: Chord Substitution – Chapter 1
Tonal Families: Dominant and Subdominant – Chapter 2
Tonal Families: Harmonic Rhythm – Chapter 3
We are all glad and happy to release and present the new series of articles written by our committed composition instructor for WKMT Blog.
Gisela Paterno, who we already talked about in previous posts and articles written […]
Jazz: Broadening our musical language
Approach to Jazz piano lessons
One popular request among piano students is to learn how to play Jazz. That request opens into a myriad of variables that as jazz piano teachers we should know how to structure before to describe and clarify to our students without overwhelming them with too much information, as Jazz music, and […]
Sharing experiences about piano tuition
Questions we received from students or parents about piano tuition
Questions we received from students or parents about piano tuition – II
Questions we received from students or parents about piano tuition – III
Questions we received from students or parents about piano tuition – IV
As piano teachers, our task is not only to provide piano lessons to […]
Music of the Renaissance – a delight to be explored
The Renaissance, Music at the service of the Word
As piano students and as well as piano teachers, we are very well familiarized with the music of the Classical period, with its graceful and elegant melodic ideas and clear-cut phrases; the almost strict Baroque with its energetic and lively rhythms and strong spirited melodic ideas imitating […]
Piano concerto by Maestro Juan Rezzuto and WKMT String Ensemble
Haydn piano concerto in London
This 2019 started with Piano duos by Alvaro Sisti and Cristina Guerra Juan, Harpsichord baroque music by Avelino Vazquez Groba and Anthony Elward on Violin, and now in March we welcome this event in which a soloist with the mature capabilities and insight of Maestro Juan Rezzuto chooses to perform this […]
Musical expectations and Cultural attributes in Music
What is the relation between culture music? Tradition, idiosyncrasy from where we born. Has all that got anything to do with our musical taste? Not only musical but art, fashion, architecture, design, etc.
It might be the case that you don’t feel very related to your country music, however, are […]
Piano practising with WKMT
Tips for Practising and Sight Reading
Piano Lessons in London is now back with a new post. Guess about what? Yes, we talk about the piano, like what we are inspired by and enjoy the most.
This time, we bring a new post recently published on WKMT Blog, in which Anthony Elward, Senior piano tutor at our […]