
How to practice piano

how to practice piano.

How to practice piano.

Learn some great tips to practice piano at your home.


We bring, what we considered, such an interesting and helpful article for all those wondering how to well practice the piano. Our Senior piano teacher, Katarina Makevic, in her last article published at WKMT Blog, gives six tips for when practising the piano at home, or even for all those beginners starting on piano.

She follows some steps she was given when she was a child, and actually, she became such a great pianist and teacher sharing her knowledge and passion for the instrument.

We take the chance to invite you to her first concert for WKMT taking place on the 24th February at our usual venue, St. Cuthbert’s church, Earls Court. You will have the chance to see her performing and who knows, even getting some tips from herself. All the info will be published on our website soon.

Read the article fully on the link aforementioned. We hope it helps you!

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