
Fabulous piano tutors for WKMT piano students

Fabulous PIANO TUTORS for WKMT piano students

Fabulous piano tutors for WKMT piano students


All WKMT students enjoy the lessons delivered by our team of highly qualified scholars. The programme we have instated allows elite professors and post-graduate students of the prestigious UNA (National University of Arts – Buenos Aires – Argentina) to live and work in the UK for a period of 6 months.

The Musical department of UNA is rated as one of the most prestigious Music Faculties in the world. Its students are not allowed to pay any fees, the only way to access UNA courses is through the most difficult entry examinations. This system guarantees only the best professionals are granted access to the institution and only the ones who excel graduate from it. In 2009 UNA had one of the world’s lowest number of graduates through all its departments, only one graduate of composition in the entire year!

These musical gladiators are the ones brought by WKMT to London to share their musical passion with their UK students. If you want to learn more about our interchange programme go to http://www.piano-composer-teacher-london.co.uk/single-post/2017/11/16/WKMT-Piano-Scholars

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